How did you come up with the name?
My brand got started in 2011 away at college in Fort Wayne Indiana at a school Called IndianaTech. So me and my homeboy were walking around campus and people would come up to us and comment on the stuff we wore. Some of the students around campus would comment, “that’s fresh, where you get it at?” So, me and my home boy Mike would tell them we just put stuff together. So then we thought to ourselves we should start our own clothing line. So then comes the hard part (lol). So later that day we went to the mall, on our way there we thought of some names. First we had “Survival of the Fittest,” then we were like that’s too good to be true so I searched the name up and someone had it. Then we went back to thinking and me and Mike thought of the name “Get Hi!p.” So then we were like Get Hi!p we need another part to the name. So then I kept saying Get Hi!p in my head then the word Society popped up in my head and I told my homeboy what about the name “Get Hi!p Society” and he was like yo that’s it! So that’s what we stuck with.

Description of clothing line? Who or what are your influences?
I would say Get Hi!p Society is a Lifestyle/street wear brand because we focus on things that we see and experience everyday. We have a lot of influences. I say one of them was Neff Headwear because of his designs, he uses a lot of bright colors and cool designs to bring his brand alive and that’s what we are trying to do with our brand. Also what attracted us was his story of getting some beanies from Target and writing Neff on it and passing them out to skate boarders and snowboards. People caught on to the name and a couple months later his brand blew up! Another influence is Johnny CupCakes and Pink Dolphin, these two brands have inspired us so much because they started from the ground up and built their brand to what it is today.

What sets your brand different from others?
What sets us apart from the others is we are not scared to throw a little pink or purple in are designs here and there, from time to time some people think those colors are too girly but we don’t care. We make it work and we add are own twist to it to make things look different. “So we dare you to be different.” We also may throw a little cheetah or animal print in are designs, something different that nobody really does. Another thing that separates us is we are from Virginia and there not a lot of street wear brands out of Virginia, most of them or if not all of them are in LA. I would say we could be the next big thing in Virginia, so we trying represent Virginia in a good and positive way!

Are there any challenges you run into while running a business?
As far as challenges we’ve faced, it was money. But we find ways to over come that and we keep on pushing and grinding We try not to let little things bring us down, we strive for success and that’s our goal: to turn Get Hi!p Society into a big company. We wanna let the whole world know who we are and that we are a rise in success.

Any plans for the future with your clothing line?
Some plans we have for the future are collabs with some upcoming clothing brands just like us, also maybe some collabs with some big companies. Another thing planned is we are gonna drop some dope backpacks, maybe like two or three of them and they will be LTD***. I feel like not a lot of brands are doing this so we wanna take that backpack game to another level! Stay tuned for that! Also we are hoping we can showcase our brand at the Magic Trade Show or Agenda Tradeshow. Also S.L.A.T.E., I think it would be fun to go out LA and show them LA folks how this VA Brand does it with this fashion.

Remember to Get Hi!p